my name is lulu :)

lu'lu' : mutiara
im a student
at usim,pandan indah.
this blog just for hobby :)
and im like reading, sharing2.
sharing is caring..isnt it ?
welcome !!.
keep smilling ^^,
proud to be yourself..
and be yourself, people love you in your way..
btw, independent person is really attractive :)

me myself

me myself
peace :)

Friday, 22 March 2013

what about sorry


what i said before ,my life most challenging when i had gone through my teenage's life..

there were a lot of problem that i need to fix on..
since i was in secondary school ,i have alot of frens.. aspecially female friends..
the same goes for the male,,
but i conclude here it is true that man and female can not be best best friend ever...
Allah already put us on the best path, 'ikhtilat'

but actually im quite enough and tired of being kind to people that do not know how to appreciate people surround them..

even i know that sometimes it would happened to myself..
i will sometimes unappreciated all my friend surround me..

but here i just want to highlight why we must say SORRY for something that we didnt do.

yes, it just a reminder for me myself for being more concerning to others feeling.
say SORRY . just a simple word that can only comes out from our mouth easily right. but how many peoples can do it,..

jom muhasabah,will be continued....

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